Position: MEALO (Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Officer)
Base: Jakarta (with travelling possibilities)
Responsible to: Project Manager
Contract Duration: 02 January 2019 - 30 June 2019 (with possibility for extension)
Application Closed on: 30 January 2019
Position Briefs
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer (MEALO) will be based in
Jakarta and aimed to be responsible in developing and improving the
Project's M&E system, aligning the strategies of outputs' indicators
and tools for measurement, data collection and information system, and
the action-based learning (ABL) methodology as evidence-based practice
improvement. The work will advise the team to make decisions and further
planning of improvement.
Project Overview
is a humanitarian arm of the Seveth-day Adventist Church, working with
people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change
through empowering partnership and responsible action. CRACP (Community
Resilience through ADRA and Church Partnership) Project is a pilot that
will exponentially promote community-based disaster risk reduction
(CBDRR) ‘model’ currently developed for the enhancement of resilient
rural and urban communities, through partnerships between ADRA and the
Adventist Church and other similar types of multiple faith-based
partnerships. Additionally, it will ensure that the needs of people
affected by disaster, both church members and the general population,
are met in the most effective and efficient way. This will initially be
in Indonesia and eventually wherever there is an Adventist presence,
globally. Several ADRA offices globally have expressed a keen interest
to learn more to discover the applicability of the program in their
country. Thus, ‘the model’ will not only be applicable to ADRA and the
Church, but also to other faith-based agencies and religious
organisations that have an established network and presence in and
across at-risk communities.
Responsibility & Job Descriptions
To achieve this, then MEAL Officer is need to accomplish below tasks:
- Documenting and submitting timely reports on challenges, lessons learned, and new knowledge generated by the pilot.
reports will demonstrate the pilot impact based on measurable and
comparative evidence and will include both baseline data and the
performance results of the pilot, measured through monitoring,
evaluation, accountability and learning.
- The learning will reflect the following process;
- Planning – identifying issue(s) to be changed, developing questions & research methods and a plan related to the specific environment
- Acting – collecting & compiling evidence, questioning the process and making changes as required
- Observing – analysing the evidence & collating the findings, writing the report, sharing findings with stakeholders
- Reflecting – evaluating the first cycle of the process, implementing the findings of the new strategy, revisiting the process
- MEAL Officer will take the lead for running a series of action based learning (ABL) cycles, building on the previous project (ABCD--ADRA, BNPB, and Church for Disaster Risk Management/DRM) cycles to test the effectiveness of the DRM training and its resultant behaviour change.
change will be measured based on the trainings that started in the ABCD
project in 2017. DRM includes Disaster Risk Reduction, early warning,
mitigation, planning, preparedness, and response.
- Facilitating ABL process with ADRA team and communities, to capture grassroots’ practical and replicable evidence-based learnings and shape the final methodology and model, and apply to the working manual (guideline).
- MEAL Officer will work together with Volunteer & Engagement Officer in a series of learning field trips and intenational workshop (March 2019).
- To engage the external participants in discussing how the Indonesia model could be adapted to form a generic ‘model’ that is replicable by informing the development of resource materials to be available for the ADRA Network and global Adventist Church, and other faith organizations.
Qualifications needed:
- At least 3 years working experience in DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) project M&E role and/or research team in local, national and/or international scopes.
- Educational background of Bachelor or Postgraduate in relevant subject with strong grounding in statistical, qualitative & quantitative research method.
- Experienced in conducting qualitative and quantitative research in field-based positions.
- Knowledge of Action Based Learning (ABL) methodology is valuable.
- Skillful in operating computer, MS Office applications and internet.
- Potraying a high integrity and self-motivation; honest and trustworthy.
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
- Ability to develop and maintain working relations in multicultural setting with high sensitivity and respect to diversity.
- Ability to work underpressure and keep high working performance results.
- Priority for residents of Jakarta and surrounding cities; Possesing a driver lisences at least SIM C.
applications will treated confidential.
You may submit your
application and CV in English the latest on 30 January 2019 by e-mail
to: recruitment.adraindonesia@gmail.com
E-mail Subject: *CRACP - MEALO
The CV file is not exceeding 200kb.
Only shortlisted candidates will be informed and invited for interview.
ADRA Indonesia gives equal opportunity to work for all people
regardless of race, gender or religion.