USAID CEGAH Job Vacancy: Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator, Jakarta - Indonesian

Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator
USAID CEGAH, Jakarta, Indonesia

Project Summary:
CEGAH is a 5-year USAID-funded accountability and integrity program that works with a wide range of Indonesian governmental and non-governmental agencies. The program runs between 2016 and 2021. The project is implemented by Management Systems International (MSI).

Position Summary:
The M&E Coordinator reports to the Senior Knowledge Manager and provides feedback on measurable achievements toward USAID CEGAH targets. He/she also supports the project’s communication and outreach efforts, translating the collected achievements into accessible stories. In the event of project slippage against monitoring and evaluation targets, the M&E Coordinator will offer early warnings to trigger adjustments of the project’s plan. 

M&E Coordinator is a key part of the USAID CEGAH project’s knowledge management team and its monitoring and evaluation activities. As such, the primary focus of this position lies with the collection of data, logging of evidence, generation of reports, design/revision of targets, and the production of occasional case studies. In detail, responsibilities include the following:
  • Ensure that grant and subcontract M&E plans are in line with USAID CEGAH’s overall Activity Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan (AMELP) and contribute the necessary data.
  • Review and verify grantee and subcontract milestone deliverables for claims of achievement, and log supporting evidence into USAID CEGAH M&E system.
  • Manage the M&E evidence files (hard and soft copy) and corresponding log book, in order to organize and maintain effective and consistent data flows.
  • Utilize M&E data to produce initial basic analyses (trends, graphs, anomalous results, etc.) as requested by MSI, Tetra Tech, or the USAID Mission in Indonesia.
  • Provide quarterly M&E narrative reports, results tables, and graphics for review by the Senior Knowledge Manager, Chief of Party (COP), and MSI Technical Director that are produced on time and in a technically valid, high-quality manner.
  • Suggest additional useful analyses and carry out research or supervise short-term TA as assigned.
  • Support the conduct of periodic data quality reviews by the Senior Knowledge Manger, COP, MSI Technical Director, or USAID Indonesia personnel upon request.
  • As needed, propose updates to the Performance Management and Evaluation Plan (PMEP) and performance indicators at least 2 months before the start of every project year
  • Manage the repository of tools, guidelines and reference documents for M&E and other materials.
  • Provide training to project staff on the AMELP, performance indicators, and how to collect the needed data. Follow up to ensure that technical staff submit required data for all performance indicators in a technically correct manner that accurately reflects field realities and meets quality standards..
  • As needed, produce case studies on focused areas of the project’s intervention to document key lessons-learned or successful approaches to challenging situations.
General provisions and limitations:
  • All final decisions related to this Project are made by the COP and authorized MSI/HQ personnel.
  •  Any communication with USAID is under the authority of the COP and authorized MSI/HQ personnel.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of USAID M&E indicators, approaches, and requirements, with at least 3 years experience managing M&E systems for USAID programs;
  • University graduate in communications, project management, business, or equivalent field;
  • Experience with project communications, including success stories and quarterly reports;
  • Excellent spoken and written English;
  • Strong analytical skills, with a demonstrated ability to tackle complex issues;
  • Strong interpersonal skills, and an ability to work as part of a team;
  • Ability to strictly adhere to deadlines;
  • Experience with governance programs or a good understanding of Indonesia’s governance situation a plus;
Application should include a CV (including three references) and contact information by January 29, 2019 at the latest. Please send applications to

Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please.
