USAID - CEGAH Project Job Vacancy: Program Coordinator for SP4N - LAPOR, Jakarta - Indonesian

Indonesia’s national complaint handling system, SP4N-LAPOR!, offers the public an integrated, “no wrong door” platform through which they can submit complaints about public services. Since its inception, the system has received 1.3 million complaints.  The system integrates over 100 national and local government agencies, some of which also operate their own complaint handling systems.

As stakeholders gear up for the system’s first major upgrade in several years, a number of challenges lie ahead, including varied levels of GOI capacity and interest, challenges in imposing a centralized system in decentralized country with limited incentives/disincentives, and technical challenges related to server performance, access, and security.

USAID is highly committed to support this effort, under SIAP 1 program, USAID supported the integration of the LAPOR! system with the parallel National Public Service Complaint Management System (SP4N) managed by the Ministry of Bureaucratic and Administrative Reform (KeMenPAN-RB), in order to make policymaking more responsive and accountable to public needs. Collaboration between KSP and KeMenPAN-RB resulted in the platform’s adoption by all of the ministries at the central government level. Furthermore, the system reached impressive levels of public popularity throughout 2014–2016, and began fundamentally altering ways in which policy was implemented and performance was monitored. A Polling Center survey of LAPOR! users conducted[1] in July 2016 found that 70 percent of respondents were either “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the responsiveness of the SP4N-LAPOR! system. A total of 92 percent of respondents said they would use the system again, and 90 percent would recommend the system to someone else.

Under CEGAH project, since 2016, USAID supporting its transition from the Office of the Presidential Staff (KSP) to the Ministry of Bureaucratic and Administrative Reform (KemenPAN-RB) for more than a year, developing a complete overhaul of the LAPOR! software, conducting international reviews and assessments, support for KeMenPAN-RB to brief over 500 governments on how to adopt and utilize the LAPOR!-SP4N system, organizing a LAPOR! competition, working with 29 national and local agencies to integrate LAPOR! into their operations, and working with civil society to use the (publicly available) complaints data in their own monitoring and advocacy efforts. It will continue in Year 3 and 4 of the CEGAH project. Other support provided to MenPAN is on the development of the public service information systems (SIPP), that is closely connected to the SP4N-LAPOR. 

Considering these massive and long-listed project activities, CEGAH would hire a program coordinator to daily manage the implementation of project activities related to LAPOR and SIPP, both those implemented through grants and self-implementing.

Scope of the Job:
The Program Coordinator position is held by an experienced manager whose acquired knowledge and skills enable him/her to independently manage required tasks related to LAPOR and SIPP under CEGAH, undertake diverse work assignments (e.g. database management, actively engage in program activities, major event/course planning, project administration, etc.), track the budget for these activities, provide direction to program assistants, and coordinate with the grant team, as well as communicate intensively with related government partners.

Work requires extensive coordination with team members in CEGAH to ensure successful performance of the program as detailed in the annual work plan. The Program Coordinator will be expected to provide significant technical input into program development and manage several programs (focused on civil society) independently, while also assisting and providing input to the work of the technical senior staff (Chief of Party and Program Managers) on larger programs and strategic issues related to CSO advocacy programming.

Position Summary:
The Program Coordinator will manage several required tasks related to LAPOR and SIPP. He/she will provide guidance to Program Assistants and report directly to the Program Manager for Administrative Reforms.

Under the direct supervision of the Program Manager, the Program Coordinator will be responsible for providing planning, implementing, and reporting on programs related to LAPOR and SIPP (Component 2 and 3). In particular, he/she will:
  • Handle program implementation of CEGAH tasks related to LAPOR and SIPP (RT 18, 23 and 39), under the supervision of the Program Managers, including program planning, implementation, budgeting, coordination, monitoring, and reporting.
  • provide advice to program assistants
  • Draft work plan sections and develop materials needed.
  • Monitor progress of technical project activities to measure performance and results.
  • Draft terms of reference for upcoming procurement of grants and subcontracts.
  • Conduct meetings on a regular basis with Government of Indonesia officials and grantees/contractors concerning project activities, and represent the Component Manager if/when requested.
  • Ensure timely implementation of activities, in accordance with project schedules.
  • Periodically, write reports on the project’s activities and achievements for the Chief of Party’s review.
  • Manage the budgeting, projections, burn rate analysis and required adjustments for responsible required tasks.
  • Perform other duties and responsibilities assigned by the Program Managers and Chief of Party.
General provisions and limitations:
  • All final decisions related to this Project are made by the COP and authorized MSI/HQ personnel.
  • Any communication with USAID is under the authority of the COP and authorized MSI/HQ personnel.
  • Any meetings with Indonesian senior government officials should be communicated in advance to the Component Manger and COP.
  • At least 6 (six) years of work experience, with at least 3 (three) years in the field of LAPOR.
  • Experience managing USAID subgrants/contracts a plus.
  • Strong technical knowledge in public service complaint handling.
  • Strong network in the LAPOR communities (MenPAN-KSP-Ombudsman RI)
  • Demonstrated ability to interact professionally and work constructively with a range of individuals, including USAID mission, local partners and government officials.
  • Good management and administrative skills.
  • Magister (S2) degree or higher in relevant field of work or related studies.
  • Have the capacity to work both independently as well as in a team setting.
Application should include a CV (including three references) and contact information by January 12, 2019 at the latest. Please send applications to  Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please.
