Hivos is an international development organization that seeks new solutions to persistent global issues. Founded in 1968 and inspired by humanist values, Hivos works in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East at a local, regional and global level, together with local civil society organizations in developing countries to contribute to a free, fair and sustainable world. The Southeast Asia Hub is located in Jakarta, Indonesia. For its Hivos Southeast Asia seeks qualified Indonesian candidates for the position of:
Title: Consultant for Lead Researcher for the Scoping Study “Creating Spaces for Engagement between Citizens and the State”
Duty Station: Jakarta, Indonesia
Duration: March to June 2019 - 4 (four) months
Report to: Program Development Manager Freedom and Accountability Open Society
Hivos, with support from Robert Bosch Stiftung will conduct a scoping study on the nature of citizen participation in public service delivery in Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam. The aim is to get a better picture on countries that experiences social accountability in a democratic setting and on a country that is relatively new for public participation. However, all share characteristics as a growing market and industry that makes them comparable in terms of demand for better governance and responsive public services. This study will contribute a recent mapping on accountability actors and practices in Southeast Asia and learn from the role of technology and social mobilization improving public services.
Hivos, with support from Robert Bosch Stiftung will conduct a scoping study on the nature of citizen participation in public service delivery in Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam. The aim is to get a better picture on countries that experiences social accountability in a democratic setting and on a country that is relatively new for public participation. However, all share characteristics as a growing market and industry that makes them comparable in terms of demand for better governance and responsive public services. This study will contribute a recent mapping on accountability actors and practices in Southeast Asia and learn from the role of technology and social mobilization improving public services.
The Lead Researcher will be responsible for the overall research implementation, development of the methodology and tools, coordination and the supervision of country researchers. She or he will also conduct data analysis with country researchers and draft the final scoping study report.
Roles and Responsibilities
The scoping study intends to inform government, civil society, and other relevant actors in addressing gaps between citizens and the state, particularly in terms of how governments understand, communicate, and respond to demands of their people. Hence, the lead researcher will:
- Develop an overall research methodology and tools in consultation with Program Development Manager Freedom and Accountability Hivos Southeast Asia;
- Coordinate the implementation of focus group discussions and key informant interviews with targeted groups and individuals;
- Analyse the role of technology, social mobilization and enabling conditions for meaningful public engagement.
- With the Hivos team, coordinate workshops on social accountability and data-use, analysis and visualization workshop for prospective partners.
- With the country researchers, provide an overall analysis of legal, institutional and policy framework and government champions as means of deriving the barriers preventing and opportunities supporting the successful adoption and scaling up of citizen engagement initiatives in the country.
- With the country researchers, identify and map existing initiatives, institutions and individuals that work to promote citizen engagement, government response, research and technology in the country:
- Mapping of non-governmental stakeholders:
- Provide an overview of key organizations engaged in promoting citizen engagement and government responsiveness in the country;
- Provide an overview of the key programs including summary of main objective, scale, regional focus and topic;
- Identify the key funding agencies in this field;
- Identify and map the main technology and media platforms used to help citizens and leaders improve transparency, and the agencies supporting these initiatives.
- Mapping of Innovative Communication and Information Technology Initiatives landscape
- Develop a list of indivisuals and organizations including technology hubs, labs, academic institutions etc. that are key to technological innovation within the scope of the program;
- Identify women working in technology organizations and initiatives;
- Map individuals or organizations that are working with technology innovation for social change, citizen engagement and/or government responsiveness;
- Mapping of the Research landscape:
- Identification and mapping of key research institutes, think tanks, researchers or NGOs with in-house research capacity in the fields of citizen engagement & voice, accountability, responsiveness and technology;
- Identification of topics the above work on; who they work with; information on their last five projects; and details on whether they work on policy processes in the country (at national or sub-national levels).
- Analysis of power dynamics:
- Actors who frame the problem and agenda;
- Power/(resource) dependencies relation between actors; and
- How decision making, such as mechanism for check and balances, be organized.
- Ranking of identified government individuals, ministries/state bodies and local governments that consortium should prioritize working with based on analysis of quality and capacity of government ‘champions’;
- Shortlist of organizations to work with in order to advance citizen engagement and government response;
- Directory of social accountability innovations and learning from existing experience;
- Overview of political landscape in advancing social accountability in public service delivery; and
- Policy and program recommendations on which sector the program should focus on.
We are seeking an Indonesian person with the following qualities:
- Has strong qualitative research skills and has knowledge on the conduct of ecosystem mapping.
- Relevant experience or prior knowledge of the governance initiatives, civic technology, and related advocacy issues.
- Has a working knowledge of social accountability and stakeholder engagement.
- A degree in any of the following disciplines: Public Policy, Community Development, Public Administration, or any relevant fields. Master Degree or higher is an advantage.
- Has experience in coordinating research projects and workshops.
- Able to work independently and take initiative, but is also comfortable working with a team.
- Excellent communication skills and ability.
- Relevant experience in working with government and/or international development organizations on consultancy assignments related to research and project coordination.
Interested parties must submit a Curriculum Vitae and a short expression of interest which includes the proposed method or instrument for this research project, rate fee and portfolio or links to previous relevant research projects to and by 12 March 2019 with email subject: Lead Researcher for Scoping Study.