Wildlife Conservation Society Job Vacancy: MPA Program Assistant, Bogor - West Java, Indonesian

The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Indonesia marine program aims to conserve marine
resources vital to the protection and sustainability of human livelihoods across the Indonesian archipelago from the Bay of Bengal through to the heart of the Coral Triangle. WCS employs a rigorous scientific approach to build capacity, strengthen management and inspire community stewardship for the protection and sustainable use of critical marine ecosystems, fisheries and threatened species. The program has three objectives: (1) to establish and increase the management effectiveness of 1 million hectares of marine protected areas (MPAs) in seascapes in Aceh, Java, Sulawesi, and North Maluku; (2) sustainable management of coastal fisheries in and around networks of MPAs; and (3) conservation of threatened marine species, particularly sharks and rays, through improving the sustainability of fisheries and trade, and combatting illegal trade in protected species.

MPA Program Assistant

The position will be based in Bogor at the WCSIP office with significant portion of time allocated for working from the field/project sites, and will liaise closely with staff throughout Indonesia.

Position: MPA Program Assistant
Based in: Bogor
Reports to: Cross-Cutting Program Manager

For more detailed information about Wildlife Conservation Society – Indonesia Program, the position and how to apply, please visit our website at: CLICK HERE

When you are interested on the above position and consider that you possess the necessary qualification, please submit your job application consisting of updated curriculum vitae, expected salary, three professional references and a cover letter explaining your interest towards this work and/or this organization to wcsindonesia@wcs.org.

Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format “MPA Program Assistant"_(name of candidate)

Deadline: May 7th, 2019

No correspondence, only short-listed candidates will be notified
