PLAN International Job Consultant: Water for Women Project, Indonesian

Terms of Reference
Study on Market Mapping and Supply Chain Analysis
Yayasan Plan International Indonesia (YPII)

Project Background
With the support from the Department of Foreign Affair (DFAT) of the Australian government, through the Water for Women (WfW) Fund, Plan International Australia (PIA) and YPII are implementing a transformative WASH project that has a focus on 5 Pillars of Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM) integrated with gender equality and social inclusion. The project’s formal title is ‘WASH and Beyond –Transforming lives in Eastern Indonesia’, and has the purpose to: “improve health, gender equality and wellbeing of the Indonesian people through inclusive and sustainable WASH”. In collaboration with the local government through the Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Working Group, sanitation entrepreneurs, Family Empowerment and Welfare (PKK), and marginalized group organizations, the project will reach 450,000 beneficiaries in Manggarai (NTT) and Sumbawa (NTB) Districts starting from July 2018 until December 2022. More information about this project and DFAT’s WfW Fund can be found at CLICK HERE

Duration of Research:
This activity is expected to be completed within 2 months from the date the contract is signed. It is expected that this work will begin from the first week of June 2019. The acceptable budget range for this data collection is 200.000.000 IDR – 300.000.000 IDR.

Qualifications of the Consultant/Consultancy Team
Having an equal composition from a quality academic background, knowledge, experience and capacity to manage research, Experience with market mapping and supply chain analysis, Experience with WASH or health study, and Experience with data collection and data analysis

How to Apply?
Proposals are to be submitted on or before May 17th, 2019 to:

The selected consultant will be hired using a standard service agreement that complies with Plan International’s policies and standards. For clarifications on the terms of reference, please address questions to Silvia Landa, WfW Project Manager, at email address: More information on this work can be found at: CLICK HERE
