Rainforest Foundation UK Job Vacancy: Chief of Party - DRC Community Forests, Kinshasa - Congo


This is an exciting opportunity for a candidate to lead an important project supporting community forest development and the rights of local and indigenous communities in the world’s second-largest tropical forest. With a strong commitment to social and environmental justice, you are a self-starter, highly organized, and able to operate effectively across different cultural contexts. You will embrace a varied role that could involve field missions to remote forest areas one week and engaging in high-level policy dialogue with international institutions the next.

Based in Kinshasa, you will have the overall responsibility of coordinating project activities on the ground, liaising with partners on a daily basis, and leading on policy aspects of the project whilst being the main point of contact for the donor, the USAID CARPE office in Kinshasa.

Read the full job description HERE.

Interested candidates, please send an APPLICATION FORM to jobs@rainforestuk.org by the 15th of November 2020 23:59 GMT, at the latest.

The successful candidate will be expected to start as soon as possible.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
