The goal of the global five-year USAID Medicines, Technologies and Pharmaceutical Services (MTaPS) Program implemented by Management Sciences for Health and partners, is to help low- and middle-income countries to strengthen their pharmaceutical systems to ensure sustainable access to and appropriate use of safe, effective, quality-assured, and affordable essential medicines and pharmaceutical services.
The Country Coordinator provides technical assistance and coordinate with the MOH PPJK and other key stakeholders, to build Indonesia’s pharmaceutical systems by strengthening their ability to institutionalize transparent and evidence-based decision making, use robust information to define and cost pharmaceutical coverage, use pharmaceutical expenditure tracking to improve value in purchasing, and strengthen pharmaceutical sector governance.
Please submit all applications by March 10, 2021.
Coordination (50%)
- Maintain close liaison and coordination with the USAID Indonesia Mission, senior officials in the MOH PPJK, relevant departments of other ministries, USAID implementing partners, and key stakeholders to ensure effective implementation of work plan activities with their active participation for building ownership.
- Work closely with HO-based project support team and technical team members to develop and monitor appropriate/adequate budgets to support relevant technical activities.
- Report regularly on progress/results achieved in technical work plans and barriers encountered, and resolve any challenges faced as required by the project or the client.
- Ensure MTaPS comply with the reporting requirements of GOI (monthly, quarterly, annual, Berita Acara Serah Terima (BAST), and Project Completion Report (PCR))
- Represent the program at various technical meetings with other cooperating agencies and participate in various working groups as required, including making technical presentations on key activities and achievements of assigned areas as needed.
- Work closely with local consultants, institutions, sub-contractors, and home office-based MTaPS technical team members to ensure technical work plans are being implemented in a timely and technically sound manner, and productively leverage collaboration with key government and other stakeholders and partners.
- Carry out additional responsibilities as may be assigned from time to time.
Technical Support (40%)
- Facilitate technical discussions with government and academic stakeholders, along with local and home-based teams, to prioritize policy questions for analysis using the pharmaceutical expenditure tracking and health technology assessment methodologies
- Contribute to the design, implementation, and monitoring of capacity-building activities for MOH PPJK and other key partners to be included in the MTaPS Indonesia work plan.
- Oversee/coordinate with local and home-based teams, and relevant partners to build sustainable capacity of MOH PPJK and other key stakeholders for strengthening pharmaceutical financing systems and health technology assessment in Indonesia.
- Support technical consultants to identify and secure access to key sources of pharmaceutical expenditure data, conduct data mapping and analysis, interpret results, and prepare polished written materials summarizing policy relevance of the results
- Support technical consultants and partners to conduct options/scenario analysis for the development, strengthening, and institutionalization of the health technology assessment process
- Prepare and give presentations on key project activities and achievements as needed.
Monitoring and Evaluation (10%)
- Contribute to the development of MTaPS Indonesia Performance Monitoring plan (PMP)
- Contribute to monitoring and tracking of activities, including support for collection and validation of relevant data to report project indicators.
- Contribute to the adequate documentation and dissemination of program results and lessons learned, including the development and submission of project’s mandatory reports, technical, advocacy, and policy documents and reports, success stories and highlights, and abstracts and articles for scientific journals and conferences.
Graduate Degree in health-related field, medicine, pharmacy, health financing, health economics, health management, or public health with another relevant discipline; and hands-on experience in public health programs, especially related to health or pharmaceutical financing.
Required: At least 7 years of relevant experience in areas of pharmaceutical and/or health technologies management, and health financing-related projects, preferably with international donors and organizations such as USAID, Global Fund, UN agencies-WHO, and World Bank.
Preferred: Demonstrated experience in pharmaceutical system strengthening or health financing and coordination in low- and middle-income countries desired.