UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Job Vacancy: Intern - Humanitarian Affairs I, Jakarta - Indonesian


As the capacity for disaster management is growing both from the government and non-government actors, OCHA needs to continue sharpening its role to add value to what has been achieved by Indonesia since the enactment of Disaster Management Law in 2007 and the establishment of the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) at the national level and BPBD at the sub-national level. OCHA is focusing its activities on three pillars, i.e.:

  • Maintaining support to the Government on response preparedness, with engagement from the OCHA Regional Office in collaboration with national humanitarian actors;
  • Continuing to support the in-country international humanitarian architecture for national preparedness and response; and
  • Enhancing OCHA’s corporate liaison with ASEAN, the ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance Coordinating Centre, and the ASEAN Member States at operational and political levels.

In performing the above tasks, OCHA plays a significant role in supporting:

  • National Cluster and thematic working group support, including the implementation of the HCT Action Plan and support to medium scale disaster responses
  • Cash and Voucher Assistance and its linkage to Adaptive Social Protection
  • HCT Contingency Planning exercise
  • ASEAN Secretariat for strategic related issues at regional and global level and AHA Centre for capacity development during emergency response through inter-operability.

In addition to that, OCHA continues to facilitate coordination on a number of activities such as:

  • Yearly World Humanitarian Day on 19 August
  • Discussion on revision/development of Disaster Management Law

OCHA considers that it is useful to have internships to support the existing personnel in the office to deliver the above tasks.


The overall tasks during the internship cover:

  • Support the preparation of reports and minutes of the meeting;
  • Support to the translation of documents, as needed;
  • Support to the preparation and facilitation of coordination of the World Humanitarian Day in collaboration with other networks.
  • Any other tasks as deemed necessary by the Head of Office.
