GFA Consulting Group Germany Job Vacancy: Protection of Mangrove Forests, Bogor Or Jakarta - Indonesia

GFA Consulting Group Germany Job Vacancies 2021

  • Project Title: Forest Program VI: Protection of Mangrove Forests, Indonesia
  • Status: Prequalification  
  • Position: International Chief Technical Adviser for sustainable forest management (mangroves)
  • Country: Indonesia
  • Duty station: Bogor or Jakarta
  • Duration tentatively: 7 years, start around October/November 2021
Project Description
The project will support the PEA in the sustainable management of mangrove ecosystems focusing on protection, prevention of further degradation, rehabilitation/restoration of degraded ecosystems and improving local livelihoods. In addition, the Project will finance innovative and applied research to develop sustainable models for communities to manage mangrove forests and improved knowledge management.

Pilot sites in North Sumatra, East-Kalimantan and West-Papua have been selected in the feasibility study for project interventions, successfully conducted by GFA. The locations differ in terms of threats from deforestation, the level of degradation, institutional jurisdiction and proposed strategy and method for conservation, restoration and sustainable management.

The desired project outputs are:
  • Protection, conservation, restoration and sustainable management of mangrove forests through community-based actions and social forestry;
  • Promoting community development and strengthening sustainable livelihoods;
  • Policy advocacy for the improvement of spatial development plans, in particular local community development plans;
  • Applied innovative research and knowledge management related to mangrove ecosystems;
  • Preparing and starting operation of a World Mangrove Center (WMC) as an international knowledge hub on mangrove ecosystems.
Job description:
The duties of the Consultant company and project team shall comprise the support of the implementing institutions in all tasks referring to the implementation of the programme.

The professional input of the Consultant team is expected to cover the following fields of expertise: 
  • General project management (e. g. operational and financial planning, administration, technical steering of project implementation, developing an environmental M&E system, quantity and quality control of project measures);
  • Monitoring and supervision of financial management of a currently EUR 20 million grant according to KfW regulations;
  • Developing tailor-made protection, conservation and sustainable management concepts for mangrove ecosystems according to the specific natural resource conditions at each selected intervention area including standard operating procedures (SOPs) for community patrolling; 
  • Development and implementation of innovative sustainable community development concepts to support local livelihoods, including agroforestry production methods, sustainable fishing techniques, and the cultivation of Nipa and Sago palms;
  • Engaging in policy advocacy in cooperation with Indonesian partners to improve spatial development plans and local community development plans with regards to mangrove protection;
  • Development and implementation of an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) resulting in site-specific Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP) and/or Environmental and Social Codes of Practice (ESCOP) including a Community Engagement and Planning Framework (CEPF), with Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) requirements and guidance on participatory land use planning (PLUP) and livelihood restoration plans (LRP) as an accompanying document;
  • Identification of potential conflict, violence and fragility issues in the prospective project intervention areas and description of related peace and security needs including an in-depth analysis of the common patron-client system (punggawa-sawi) in the project intervention areas;
Qualifications (tentatively)
  • University degree related to biodiversity conservation/ forest management/ rural development;
  • Minimum ten years of professional work experience in international cooperation programs in developing countries;
  • Minimum five years of experience as CTA, preferably in financial cooperation of bilateral or multilateral donors or other leadership/ management experience in complex FC programs of bilateral or multilateral donors;
  • Experience in the management of projects, including planning, monitoring and evaluation, reporting, supervision of technical, administrative and logistical tasks, budget management, communication etc.
  • Experience in the management of teams of experts of different technical backgrounds;
  • Professional work experience in South-East Asia, preferably in Indonesia;
  • Written and oral fluency in English is mandatory;
  • Good Knowledge in Bahasa Indonesia is considered essential.
Interested candidates should send their CV by email to until 11 July 2021.

Please note that we can only reply to short-listed candidates, meeting the requirements as set out in the job description. Thank you for your understanding.
