- JOB TITLE: Supply Chain Operations Coordinator
- TEAM/PROGRAMME: Logistics / Supply Chain
- GRADE: 3
- Child Safeguarding: Level 3 - the responsibilities of the post may require the post holder to have regular contact with or access to children or young people
Yayasan Save the Children Indonesia (Save the Children Indonesia) is changing for the better one. We've begun to build a national organization that aims to be a strong, local, and self-sustaining voice for children in Indonesia. Logistics as key parts in organization has an important role in realizing Yayasan Save the Children Indonesia project implementation through supply chain working role to support each projects sites in Indonesia.
The Supply Chain Operations Coordinator is to offer leadership and management support to the procurement and logistics staff in National Office. The post holder will ensure the compliance to organization’s policies and procedures in both emergency and development programing context, implementation of logistics requirement and offer training for both logistics and non - logistics staff. Play important role in Total Inventory Management (TIM) and Key performance Indicator (KPI) to assist senior Supply Chain Manager to realize procurement plan implemented at timely manner and in line with core procurement guideline and organization policies.
In addition, the post holder will also have the following accountabilities:
- Prepare budget forecast for the next month cash projection for National office’s Supply Chain department and submitted to finance on monthly basis as requested
- Collaboration with other Supply Chain Coordinator to keep procurement procedure are followed and update other logistics keys elements.
- Assist Supply Chain Manager in managing logistics of the emergency and development programme
- Reports to: Supply Chain Manager
- Budget responsibilities: N/A
The post holder should have a wide and comprehensive view of logistics and supply chain in managing logistics under guidance by Supply Chain manager and ensure logistics and supply chain are working in line with organization core value and procurement procedure and Save the Children procurement policies. With Supply Chain Manager, be responsible for keep up Logistics Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and Total Inventory Management (TIM) as well as asset management. Provide feedback on issues of cross cutting importance to YSTC in Indonesia. Ensure field office supply chain operations comply with YSTC quality standard framework and standard operating modules.
Administration, safety, and security
- Ensure timely and accurate payment for vendors, service providers including utilities payment for both office and houses.
- Ensure the office, asset and vehicle are well maintained to comply with safety regulation
- Ensure adequate vehicle insurance coverage and timely registration and permit
- Ensure efficient, professional reception function
- Ensure rented premises by Yayasan Save the Children Indonesia are updated properly and pose lucrative value to organization
- Work with safety and security focal person to ensure that security ploicies and procedure are understood and strictly adhered througout all programs and do briefings, communications, transport and other system are developed.
- Maintain good support security for all staffs and visitors.
- Ensure proper record keeping, maintenance and control of all assets in field and country office to become master assest list updated for Indonesia CO.
Logistics and Procurement:
- Coordinate of logistics activities, implement the country logistics policies and procedures for the following areas: procurement, transport and distribution, warehouse and stock management, fleet management, communication system and asset
- Manage and support admin and logistics staff including ensure clear division of responsibilities, clear objectives and management performance.
- Ensure that all procurement is done in an appropriate, efficiently, timely and transparent manner as per Yayasan Save the Children Indonesia partner of Save the Children policies, procedure and donor requirements
- Ensure centralized asset register, supervise warehouse stock, supplier database, procurement tracker, fleet analysis is well maintained and updated.
- Ensure efficient supply chain planning (plan, source, transport store and dispatch)
- Ensure the efficient cost effective, fleet management and reporting are in place and in compliance with Save the Children Standard
- Ensure timely periodically report with other logistics site, coordination with area logistics coordinator
- Ensure the procurement officer, Admin and logistics officer / assistant understand and perform their work in properly manner and assist them if required.
- Ensure KPI and TIM are updated properly and capacitate staff in logistics
- Manage big procurement through tender by functioning Procurement officer, Admin and Logistics Officer (if needed) to each step of tender process.
- Uphold transparency and nondiscrimination in conduction procurement process.
- Develop and organize Framework agreement for all catagories and guide inlcuding field office logistic staffs to emphasize the Framework agreement are in place.
- Prepare and control filing system of all documents done thru his or team such procurement officer and admin and log officer as well as assistant.
- Provide insight information towards all policies and procedures of Procurement on track.
- Refer any cost of benefits and cost avoidance found from all Field offices and CO.